Green Bottle Blue Tarantula

Interesting Facts about Green Bottle Blue Tarantula

The Green Bottle Blue Tarantula is an eye-catching species that is more colorful than many other tarantulas. This is the main reason for its popularity, on the whole as species for new owners. These tarantulas belong to New World Tarantula. Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens is the scientific name of these spiders. These are commonly known as GBB tarantula. This spider will make your terrarium more attractive but typically it is a hardy and lenient pet.

Green Bottle Blue tarantula

Green Bottle Blue Tarantula Physical Description and Overview

This spider has a beautiful color scheme which makes it attractive and the best choice for beginners. The body of this species is covered with a green carapace and metallic blue legs. The color of the abdomen of the spider is normally bright orange. The spiderlings also look beautiful with a golden carapace with gold legs. This is a very beautiful creature.

The Green Bottle Blue Tarantula is native to the dry grasslands of northern Venezuela. It is a pleasant spider, but it’s simple to scare these spiders. They are very vigorous tarantulas. If they feel susceptible they won’t hesitate to bite. You can handle these spiders easily because they are very happy creatures. They are also considered venomous to humans. The bite feels like a malicious bee tingle.

Some old-world tarantulas are very defensive but this is not very defensive. These green bottle spiders love to make webs. They use web structures to catch the birds and feel happy and satisfied under the ground.

The life span of Green Bottle Blue

The species is a comparatively long-lived creature, with harsh distinctions in lifespan between males and females. Typically the female spider lives up to 14 years and the male spider lives up to 4 years. The male tarantula has a shorter life span than the female.

Species NameChromatopelma cyaneopubescens
Care LevelBeginner-friendly
Temperament:Active but flighty
Color FormBlue-green body with orange hairs and abdomen
LifespanFemales: up to 14 years; males: up to 4 years
Size2.75” L
Minimum Tank SizeThree times its diagonal leg span (DLS), 6.25”; at least 20” L x 12” W
Tank Set-UpWell-ventilated enclosure with a 2-inch substrate area
DietCrickets, scorpions, beetles, worms
Distribution       Paraguana peninsula and the Venezuelan shrubbery ranges
Specification of GBB

Molting of Green Bottle Tarantula

The growth of this spider depends upon the process of molting. The exoskeleton shack will look just like another tarantula. In the process of molting your pet tarantula isn’t as active and happy. They mostly refuse to eat during this time. It is best to avoid handling your pet because it may get irritated during the condition of molting. The new exoskeleton becomes hardened within a couple of weeks. Probably it takes fifteen days to complete this process. During this time, your Green Bottle Blue tarantula will feel susceptible and quickly discharge barbs or bite.


 Green Bottle Blue Tarantula Care Sheet

The Green Bottle Blue spider needs and comfortable environment which keeps it happy. It loves a drier setting, investigative of its native habitat. Here are some important points regarding the care sheet of GBB.

GBB Tarantula as Pets

This tarantula is a good species to keep as a pet. They are very gorgeous and have beautiful colors so, if you are looking for a display spider, these spiders will be the best choice. There are not a very large amount of species that can beat the vivacious colors of a GBB Tarantula. These spiders can spook simply and are considered to be quite docile. This spider prefers to flee, but sometimes it flicks hairs. If you want to handle this species, you need to take special care of it.

They are very happy eaters and give good feeding comeback and will attack at prey as soon as it is offered. The venom of this spider is mild and its bite considers a bee sting. But this is not medically significant. The green bottle tarantula is very fast and quick so, it is a very good spider for display. They create beautiful movement in the tank which makes them attractive. Due to its fast speed, it is not compatible with the tarantula keepers who have experience with slow spiders.

Feeding a Green Bottle Blue Tarantula

Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens is known as an outstanding feeder. The GBB Tarantula has the good sense to feel the vibrations from its prey as soon as it is put into the tank. This is due to the complicated, dense webbing in the enclosure. You can give fruit flies or pinhead crickets to the slings every 3-4 days. They need more food as they grow. So you should increase the size of prey. You should give juveniles one medium or large cricket, twice a week. The size of the meal depends upon the size of the tarantula. You should provide 2 large crickets or roaches to the adult GBB. It should be once per week or continue feeding one cricket, twice a week. Here you can use the rule of thumb and offer food smaller than the size of the spider’s abdomen.

Green Bottle Blue Tarantula Housing

The green bottle tarantula needs a dry and well-ventilated enclosure. When these spiders were first kept as pets, they were thought a delicate species and hard to keep animate. The reason is that in the early days they were kept in heavily misted tanks and on high levels of humidity. This level of humidity causes danger for GBB tarantula. That’s why these spiders were considered the most delicate species. After that, it is realized that these tarantulas require the dry substrate to live. Initially, they love to live in burrows so it is recommended to keep them in a dry place. Some keepers will build elaborately webbed caves on the substrate.

Green Bottle Blue Tarantula Housing

Many Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens keepers choose to use dried coco fiber in the substrate. But some keepers also try a variety of other substrates. For decoration of the enclosure, you should include some lock-in furnishings. Your spider will use these props for climbing. They will feel happy to see the decorative tank. Coco bark and fake plants are the best for this purpose. They don’t need excessive height as they love to do webbing. You should also offer a small water dish in the tank. You should keep the level of water flow to avoid humidity in the substrate. Your pet also needs high ventilation so you should try to maintain proper ventilation in the tank. Keep in mind that the level of humidity doesn’t rise above 50%.


Your Green Bottle Blue Tarantula needs room temperature. The temperature will be calm for them if the temperature is comfortable for you. They don’t require special care so; you don’t need any special heating equipment. But if you live in cold weather, you should use some artificial heat pads in the substrate to keep the temperature better. You naturally want to keep them between temperatures of 70F-80F.

Do Green Bottle Blue Tarantulas survive With Other Pets?

This Tarantula likes to live in its own imprisons of a tank. If you try to keep more than one spider together it will result in death to one of them. But if you want to breed them you can keep a male and female together. 

So when they feel attraction for each other they will start matting. So it is suggested that do not put the two together lastingly once they have mated.

Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens

Tips to keep Green Bottle Blue Tarantula Healthy

Keeping your tarantula healthy and happy provides them with an appropriate environment and a high-protein diet. In this way, they support a long lifespan. If you see your tarantula is becoming lazy you can check the following conditions:

  • Loss of hunger
  • Bleeding
  • idleness
  • Dull colors
  • laziness

Your green bottle pet tarantula may hide when they are sick. That’s a common behavior of any animal during this situation. The protected cover keeps them safe when they are susceptible to predation. You should avoid making any change in its habits because they will not accept it happily.

Cost of Green Bottle Blue Tarantulas

The cost of GBB varies according to its popularity. It also affects the availability and cost of this tarantula. Mostly the available species run under $150. But in some cases, it may cost around $60-$80. This is a very reasonable price for this beautiful tarantula. The cost of buying the tarantulas also adds the cost of maintenance, a hiding place, hygrometer, and water dish in the enclosure. In the first year, you can pay around $100. The cost of food and maintenance is also necessary to manage.

Interesting facts about Green Bottle Blue Tarantula

  • The green bottle blue tarantula is a vigorous species and has a very fast growth rate.
  • They are insatiable eaters and mostly the adult spiders often try to take large chunks of food which are large of their size.
  • These spiders don’t like to live in moist conditions because it could cause the increase of a patch on their lungs that might be deadly for them.
  • The dry substrate is more suitable for living.
  • In the year 1907, Embrik Strand had first described it as Eurypelma cyaneopubescens and then it was shifted to a separate species, In 1939, Alexander Petrunkevitch invented Delopelma. Finally, in the year 1995, Gunter Schmidt considered it the species Chromatopelma.
  • Its species is known as Chromatopelma means beautiful blue color.
  • They are more suitable pets for those who would not handle them much
  • They are very skittish and give quick responses.
  • These tarantulas give a warning when they feel threatened, but after some time, they attack back as a defense strategy.


The female tarantulas are particular with whom they can mate. It is commonly observed that the female species harass the male when placed in the same enclosure for mating. So, the introduction of the male is not very interesting for females. In custody, after the matting process, the breeder immediately removes the male tarantula from the enclosure. After the female encounters the male, the process of mating takes place within a few minutes. Then you should remove the male tarantula from the enclosure to keep it safe. The wild tarantula uses its defense strategy to get away from the female after mating.

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